Author Guidelines

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Paper Size: A4 Vertical


Top Margin: 2.5 cm


Bottom Margin: 2.5 cm


Left Margin: 2.5 cm


Right Margin: 2.5 cm


Paragraph Head: 1 cm


Block Quote: Left and Right 1.5 cm


Font: Times News Roman


Font Style: Normal


Main Text Size: 11


Block Quote: 9


Footnote Text Size: 9


Paragraph Spacing: After 3nk


Line Spacing: 1.15


Turkish Main Title and Spacing: 11 Points, Capital Letters and 1.15 Line Spacing


English Main Title and Spacing: 11 Points, Capital Letters and 1.15 Line Spacing


Word Count of Abstract: 150-200


Font Size of Abstract Section: 9 Points


Number of Keywords: 3-5




Direct quotations should be given in quotation marks. Quotations less than 5 lines between lines; Quotations longer than 5 lines (block quotes) should be written 1.5 cm from the right and left of the line, in block form, with 1.15 line spacing, and 9 font size.




Footnotes should not be used in the article as much as possible, only footnotes should be used for explanations and if footnotes are used, automatic numbering should be used.




The sources to be used in the article texts should be arranged as follows according to the APA system.


Quotations from Books


In the text:


Single name: (İlhan, 2009: 38)


Two names: (Buran and İlhan, 2009: 23)


More than two names: (Akyüz et al. 1990: 40)


In the bibliography:


Ilhan, Nadir (2009). Multiplicity in Turkish Language, Elazig: Manas Publications.


Buran, Ahmet – Ilhan, Nadir (2008). Elazig Region Vocabulary, Ankara: Turkish Language Association Publications.


Akyüz, Kenan - Süheyl Beken - Yüksel Sedit - Cunbur, Müjgân (1990). Fuzuli Divanı, Ankara: Akçağ Publications.


Citations from Articles


In the text:

(Doğan, 2006: 117)


(Ilhan and Şenel, 2008: 260)


In the bibliography:


Dogan, Ahmet (2013). Ideal Human in Yunus Emre Divanı, Turkish Studies, C 8, P 13, p. 829-839.


İlhan, Nadir – Şenel, Mustafa (2008). Words and Concept Areas Related to Hunting, Hunting and Livestock According to Divanu Lügati't-Türk, Turkish Studies, C 3, S 1, p. 259-277.


Excerpts from Theses


In the text:

(Babaarslan, 2018: 1800)


In the bibliography:


Babaarslan, Giyasi (2018). The Transcribed Text of the Divine Collection in the Manuscripts Collection of Koç University and its Classification According to the ‘Systematic Classification of Journals Project’ (MESTAP), Master Thesis, Kırşehir: Ahi Evran University Institute of Social Sciences.


Quotations from the Book Chapter


In the text:


(Ilhan and Şenel, 2018: 1800)


In the bibliography:


Ilhan, Nadir – Şenel, Mustafa (2008). The Reflection of Game Animals in Personal Names, Hunting and Hunting Book, (Editors: Emine Gürsoy Naskali, Hilal Oytun Altun), p. 321-336, Istanbul: Bookstore Publications.


Quotations from Papers


In the text:


(Koyuncu, 2016: 40)


In the bibliography:


Koyuncu, Fatih (2016). Youth and Moral Concepts in Azmî Pir Mehmed's Enîsü'l-ârifîn, Proceedings of the International Youth and Morals Symposium, p. 38-50, Sinop: Sinop University Press.


Quotations from the Encyclopedia Article


In the text:


(Tatcı, 2013: 601)


In the bibliography:


Tatci, Mustafa (2013). Yunus Emre, Turkish Religious Foundation Encyclopedia of Islam, C 43, p. 600-606, Istanbul: Turkish Diyanet Foundation Publications.


Web/Website Citations:


In the text:


(Oguz, 2018)


In the bibliography:


Oğuz, M. Öcal (Access date: 01.02.2018). Yunus Emre, Sayfa=detay&detay=7433, Dictionary of Turkish Literature Names, Article No: 25866.




Tables must be numbered and titled. The table number should be written vertically at the bottom, justified to the left; table name should be written in italics with the first letter of each word capitalized. Tables should be where they should be in the text. Figure numbers and names should be centered just below the figure. Figure number should be italicized and end with a period. The figure name should be written vertically next to it, with only the first letter capitalized.




It should be sent as an attachment to the article, scanned in high resolution, print quality. In naming pictures, the rules in figures and tables should be followed. Figures, tables and pictures should not exceed one third of the text. Figures, tables and pictures can be placed in appropriate places in the text, provided that they are aesthetically pleasing.


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